
ASV federālās valdības Lauksaimniecības departaments piešķīris 26 grantus (6,2 milj. $) meža biomasas izmantošanas enerģētikā izpētes projektiem

"NCSU Receives $247,802 Federal Grant for Renewable Energy

The Department of Forest at North Carolina State University will receive a grant worth $247,802 from the federal government for research into renewable energy and other products that can be developed from woody biomass.

The grant is one of 26 awarded by the Agriculture Department on Tuesday. The grants total $6.2 million.

The program is designed to help develop use of woody biomass from national forests.

Each of the 26 projects was required to provide at least 20 percent of other funding in order to qualify. Ninety-three community groups, universities and entrepreneurs applied for the grants.

"These grants help communities, entrepreneurs and others turn residues from forest restoration activities into marketable forest and energy products," said Agriculture Secretary Johanns in a statement. "Not only will these projects reduce the risk of wildfire, they will help us to achieve the President's energy goals.”


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