
Interesants buklets par multifunkcionālu energokultūru izmantošanu

Citāts no bukleta ievada:
"The present report deals with such so-called multifunctional bioenergy systems. These are bioenergy systems which – through well-chosen localisation, design, management and system integration – offer extra environmental services that, in turn, create added value for the systems. Focusing on the case of multifunctional Salix production in Sweden, research projects funded by the Swedish Energy Agency have been accomplished with the purposes to:
  • Investigate which environmental services could be obtained from multifunctional bioenergy systems.
  • Estimate how much biomass could be produced in multifunctional bioenergy systems in Sweden, based on an inventory of demand for the environmental services that can be provided with such systems.
  • Estimate the economic value of the environmental services that can be offered with multifunctional bioenergy systems, as well as the production costs for biomass from such systems.
  • Identify market- and structure-determining barriers to different multifunctional bioenergy systems, and propose solutions that overcome barriers and strengthen present driving forces for increasing the production of bioenergy."

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