
Kultuvētas kārklu plantācijas Indijā Kašmiras štatā varētu dot līdz 40 tonnas sausnas biomasas pieaugumu gadā

"The change is to be brought from the grassroots if we are serious in preserving our green wealth. Research about forests is to be professionalized for better results, comments Dr Nazir Ahmad Masoodi
Reassessment of actual forest area:
Total geographical area of Jammu and Kashmir is 1,01, 378 sq km. Conflicting reports about the forest area of Jammu and Kashmir are being published by Forest Survey India and Jammu and Kashmir Forest Department. While FSI reports 8,151 sq km. recorded forest area in this part of Jammu and Kashmir, State Forest Department claims to have 20, 230 sq km under its control. Similar contradictory reports are available concerning the Forest cove of Jammu and Kashmir. While J and K Forest Department envisage that the forest cover is 19.95 percent, Indian Remote sensing Institute Hyderabad has estimated it to be 13.68 including wasteland plantations, social forestry plantations and private plantations. 1793 sq km (22.06 percent of these forests) has been declared degraded, 925 sq km (11.36 percent) is engulfed by barren rocks and forest blanks and more than 1630 sq km (20 percent) of the forest land has been diverted for non forest use. Illegal encroachment of forest land is spectacular in every forest division and forests are mostly absent on western and south western aspects of these forests.
Estimation of actual conditions of Forests of Jammu and Kashmir by reliable government agencies through GIS system should be a priority of the new forest policy of Kashmir.
Biomass Production Growth analysis and Eco-physiological studies of Existing Forests:
Due to accelerated rate of erosion and high level of atmospheric pollution, biodiversity of these forests has changed during last 60 years. Efforts directed to increase Production potential of all these forests can be successful and profitable only after conducting massive eco- physiological studies.
Management of Forests with in situ research:
Till date forests of Kashmir have been managed on the Research findings of Uttar Pradesh and other states. After completion of First rotation age of 90 years these research findings have resulted in absolutely denuded forests with zero regeneration on southern and south western aspects of our forests. Aggressive, unspecific introduction of female clones of Populus deltoids from Tarai belt of UP in 1980,s and Robinia psedoacacia (kikar) in fifties and their plantation within cities and towns have resulted in tremendous air pollution during summer season. Pertinent to mention here, that in UK and USA use of these two species as avenue plantation has been banned since last 40 years. Similarly unplanned exploitation of willows has resulted in the extinction of female cultivar of willow (Salix alba var caerulea) from the vale of Kashmir. A cricket bat from this willow costs Rs.5, 000-Rs. 15,000 in the international market. By 2012 requirement of these cricket bats will be around 4 million. Management of willow under short rotation coppice system will produce more than 40 tons of biomass per ha per year against present yield of 6 tons per ha. per year. This biomass can be used in the generation of electricity from gas turbine Pampore at a cost of Rs. 5.0 per KWH against the prevailing cost of Rs. 32 per KWH. Use of willow as raw material in gas turbine Pampore will result in zero pollution and-generate thousands of employments.
Production of Quality plant Material with respect to conifers:
Productions quality plant materials that will suffer minimum mortality under harsh plantation conditions by adopting new and improved technology are fundamental for any production forestry program. Use of clonal forestry and improved nursery techniques will reduce the rotation age of conifers from 120 years to just 90 years.
Plantation Forestry with conifers alone in combination with forest closure:
This practice will ensure regeneration of degraded forest in just 4-5 years instead of long span of 40 years as practiced in high forest system of management. All forest areas in Jammu and Kashmir are acidic in nature. Plantation of these areas with broad leaved species will result in wastage of resources. Furthermore, level of atmospheric pollution and water pollution is at maximum ebb during autumn and winter months. Deciduous species will not be effective in controlling this pollution. Most of the precipitation in vale of Kashmir occurs during winter and spring season. Conifer plantation being ever green will conserve this water in soil thereby reduce flooding and soil erosion and conserve more water in the soil.
Re-organization of forest departments from grassroots level and engagement of technocrats (forestry graduates):
Since last thirty years many departments such as Social forestry, Forest Research Institute, State Forest Corporation, Forest protection, Ecology and environment, Territorial Forest department, Wild life etc have been carved out of single department. But little attention has been diverted for the reorganization of these departments at grassroots level. It seems that none of the department has a well defined mandate. Forest protection department meant for the protection of forests is functioning outside forest area whereas green felling or forest fires occur within forests. Reforestation of denuded forests has not been attended to properly. In view of the fact that research in forestry science is the mandate of agriculture universities of the State, a complete co-ordination between State Forest Departments and Agricultural Universities will solve the basic problems like regeneration of degraded forests, increase in the productivity of forests, production of quality plant material, grazing land problems, fuel wood production, soil erosion and conservation of wetlands on modern techniques The department may be reorganized at grassroots level with technocrats in forestry science. Forestry is much advanced science in the Western countries. Engagement of non professionals or diploma holder from Dehradun will lead to accelerated degradation of these precious natural resources."


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